Wednesday 25 February 2015

The revival of Wangoland, life transitions, decisions and priorities!

  Heeeeya! While I am completely aware that I promised to do my utmost best to make a post every fortnight, the observant readers would have noticed by now that I actually post (or used to before I took a hiatus of 4 months ;_;) more or less once per month, and trust me, it pains me as much :/ Well I'm here to announce that I will (in a great attempt to) blog more consistently, and cover a wider variety of topics, with some insight into my personal life, alongside with news articles and topics of interest that I'll continue to update and commentate on a regular basis :D 

  To start things off, I think the most relevant event to discuss and share on a personal level would be the change from RI to RJ! While the workload in RJ as of right now is still in its stage of infancy, I do foresee myself having issues with time management once things start to kick off, but having a fantastic timetable (which I appreciate supremely) and organizing things into a reasonable sequence and order has worked well so far, and I don't see it being unable to cope with any addition anytime soon. Another thing that I'm sure many are curious of is how different the school atmosphere is different with the addition of peeps of the opposite gender (right HAHAHA). Taking this from someone who has been in two single sex schools for the past 7 years, it isn't actually really all that different :O Personally, adjusting wasn't that difficult a task, and I managed to adapt in less than 2 weeks-ish? Being in an OG really helps, as the females in it are probably the first people you start a continued interaction with, and it really smoothens your accustomization into a new co-ed domain. While I can safely assure you that most of the negative pre-conceived stereotypes are inaccurate, it is with great satisfaction that most of the positive ones are true! Most of the ladies, if not all, whom I've met so far are insanely nice and fun people (or maybe I've just been lucky), so if you have any fears about the gender situation in JC, you can pretty drop them now HAHA. Another fairly popular issue that many have concerns about is probably PW (Project Work), and while it hasn't really started off officially yet, considering the fact that the question has yet to be released, it largely depends on your classmates and a little (in some cases a lot) of RNG, so the grouping isn't something that you can influence nor change easily. As for me personally, there is (literally) not a single classmate that I have reservations working with because they are all amazing peeps (here's to 13A btw)! 

  Moving on to decisions, and in some relation, priorities, it hasn't really changed much since Year 1-4! CCA, schoolwork, relationships and a healthy lifestyle are still stables on the list, (with the addition of one or two others as time goes by), and I think these are the more basic and sensical ones (in my humble opinion :3) Decisions have yet to be hard so fair, but I foresee some tough ones in the near future (which I'll probably write another post about when the time is appropriate). Tl;dr: These few months have been unexpectedly interesting and fun, with the occasional bitter taste of disappointment, but overall, it's been a real blast! Having an exceptionally bonded OG (shoutout to BW07 ANONE!!), meeting individuals whom I can wholly put my faith in (most of the time heh dasrite if you're feeling guilty when reading this ahem ahem), the transition has been pretty successful so far, and I guess that pretty much wraps up everything that's happened so far! I know that this is somewhat general of a description, but I'll go into the specifics when the overall idea is covered in due time! As usual (#TBT Wangoland 4 months ago), sincere thanks for reading, and have a great day/night! 

P.S. I can write long passages if I want to ;)